Effect: Put down two aces and switch them really fast so no one sees. You flip the cards back over and the aces turn into jokers.
- To setup for the trick. Put one of the aces at the top of the deck. On top of that ace, put down the 2 jokers. On top of the jokers, put another ace.
- Show the audience the ace at the top of the deck and put it down on the table.
- Without showing the audience, lift the 2 jokers up with the second ace below it. Show the ace using a triple lift with the two jokers above it. Put the cards down on top of the deck. Put the first joker down on the table. (NOTE: The audience thinks that’s the second ace).
- Tell the audience that you’re going to switch the cards really fast. But first, you do it really slowly.
- Show them the first ace. Don’t show them the joker. If they ask to see the other card, just say you have to get on with the trick.
- Without the audience looking switch the first ace with the other joker.
- Tell the audience that you’re going to switch the cards really fast. But, without switching them, just tap the top of the card really fast.
- Ask them where their ace is. No matter what if they say the top or the bottom, say “no” every time.
- Then, flip the cards over and they’re the 2 jokers. They’ll be amazed.
Trick by Tony Genualdo.