Another Changing Ace Trick No ratings yet.


Effect: The performer shows two red aces, and places them face down on the table. He/She then asks the spectator two place his/her hands on the cards so that they cannot be switched. The performer then waves his hands (as if that actually does anything), and tells the spectator to flip the two face down aces over. They have turned black.

1. Take the four aces, and make sure that the red aces are in the center, and the black are on the outside (ex: AC-AH-AD-AS).

2. Execute the triple lift, exposing A red ace (AD in example above). As you are doing this, say something like-“Here is the Ace of Diamonds, a red Ace. Take this Ace and put your hand on top of it.” After you expose the AD and as you mention this line, turn the three cards face down and remove the top card (AC) and place it on the table face down.

3. After doing this, say “I have three aces left”. Take and count the three aces from your left hand to your right. (This serves the purpose of reversing the order of the three aces).

4. Execute the double lift, exposing the Ace of Hearts and mention something similar to the line in step two, obviously saying “Ace of Hearts” instead of “Ace of Diamonds”. Turn the two cards over and remove the top card (Ace of Spades) and place it face down on the table.

5. At this point the trick is basically over. The spectator now thinks that the two red aces were placed under his/her hands, when actually the black ones were. Have the spectator turn the cards that he/she has under his/her hands.


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