Effect: The magician takes a fresh deck of cards out of the box and shuffles them to demonstrate that they are in no particular order. He deals the cards into a bunch of piles, until the deck is cleared. There are 13 piles, and when he is done each of them contains all four cards of each suit!
The cards must be a fresh deck with the Jokers removed. Make sure the deck is in order like A,2,3… of each suit.
When you shuffle, you do it end over end. Actually, you are just cutting the deck every time. You must do it thirteen times. (Make sure you count it to yourself, not out loud.) Deal out thirteen cards. Once you are at thirteen go back to one and repeat. Do this until the deck is done, and you have thirteen piles of four cards each. Tap the cards, or make some other magical gesture, and flip over each pile. They are all together!