Effect: after a pack of cards is divided into 3 piles, you it around and then you ask your victim to pick up the top card from the middle pile, memorise it and then put it back. You will guess it.
- Shuffle a pack of card well so the victim knows you haven’t rigged it.
- Fan the cards out showing the victim it isn’t in any particular order, and memorize the last card (lets say it’s the two of diamonds).
- Square up the deck then get your victim to cut it into 3 piles, while remembering which pile is the top of the deck.
- Change the order of the 3 piles until the top is in the middle one (do quite a few movements so the victim doesn’t suspect anything).
- Ask him/her to pick up and memorize then put back the top card from the middle pile (this will be the two of diamonds).
- Tell the victim the color, then suit, then finally the number.
- Take a well deserved bow.