The Story of Cactus Pete No ratings yet.

The Effect: The magician cuts the deck, and in each time finds an Ace. Funny end, and a funny story.

The Effect And Patter:

The magician produces a deck of cards and informs everyone he will tell the story of cactus pete king of the card sharps. “You see, no matter where cactus pete cut he would always cut to an Ace” the magician cuts the deck to show the audience he has indeed cut to and Ace, he turns the deck over and puts the ace face down on the table. “You see, no matter where cactus pete cut, he would always cut to an Ace” cuts the deck again to reveal another ace, he turns the deck over and places the ace on the table. “You see, no matter where he cut, he would always cut to an Ace” he cuts the deck again, revealing yet another ace. He turns the deck over and places the Ace on the table. “Because you see no matter where cactus pete cut, he would always cut to a what?” he cuts the deck and awaits for the crowd to say “Ace” when he then replies “Nope, a king. Because he was Cactus Pete King of the card sharps!” He reveals the last card he cut to while saying this, revealing the king he cut to, and the 3 aces on the table had turned to kings!

The Trick:

This trick requires a stacked deck, and two sleights. The bottom of the deck should go in this order, from bottom in; random card, Ace, King, Ace, King, Ace, King, King. The two sleights are a (don’t know the name) false cut (Do this by pulling only the bottom card off with half of the upper deck in a quick motion to give the impression that you’ve actually cut the deck) and a glide. The first cut should remove the random card revealing the ace, as you turn the deck to pull the ‘ace’ out, do a glide and remove the king behind it. Square the deck and repeat 3 more times.

Trick by Brandon Juhnke

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